Although the planet fell under Sith occupation for a time, Republic forces ultimately liberated Coruscant with the aid of the Jedi Knights. Serving as the capital of the galaxy since the ancient days of the old Galactic Republic, Coruscant was at the center of many historic events, such as the Jedi Order‘s conflict with the Sith. It was the location of several major landmarks, including the Jedi Temple, Monument Plaza and the Senate Building. In addition, Coruscant’s strategic location at the end of several major trade routes enabled it to grow in power and influence, causing the city-planet to surpass its early rivals and become the hub of galactic culture, education, finance, fine arts, politics and technology.
Noted for its cosmopolitan culture and towering skyscrapers, Coruscant’s population consisted of trillions of citizens hailing from a vast array of both humanoid and alien species. Though debated by historians, it was generally believed that Coruscant was the original homeworld of humanity. Coruscant (pronounced / ‘kɔɹəsɑnt/), also known as Imperial Center during the rule of the Galactic Empire, was an ecumenopolis-a city-covered planet, collectively known as Imperial City- in the Coruscant system of the Core Worlds.